Tag Archives: Hair Color

A Popular Henna Application Misconception

A popular misconception is that applying henna will give your hair either an orange or reddish tint. This is not true. Morrocco Method Natural Henna consists of 7 colors, all derived from three basic shades: red, black, and neutral (colorless). It is the combination of these three shades, in varying proportions, that creates the dazzling array of Morrocco Method Int’l Natural Henna. Each shade will look slightly different on each individual. Our henna works subtly and will bring out the best in your natural hair color. Of course, for the adventurous, each color can be mixed with others to create new shades. Feel free to experiment until you find the perfect combination and shade for you and your crowning glory! The 7 shades of Morrocco Method Int’l Henna that we have created for you are: Neutral (colorless) Red, Black, Dark Brown, Medium Brown, Light Brown, and Marigold Blonde